- 23 «Krypto Kings» Old CEO - Hallvar Witzø TV2
- 22 «Siggurd Fåkke Pult» Mats’s father – Klynge/Discovery+
- 22 «Kjære Landsmenn 2» Author - Hallvar Witzø TV2
- 22 «Olympiatroppen» Doctor - Ramm & Røren Nrk
- 22 «Hvite Gutter» Finn the neighbor - Feelgood TV/Discovery+
- 22 «Neste Sommer» Boat salesman - Discovery +
- 21 «Idrettsforeldre», Sara’s father - Christopher Elvestad TV2
- 18 «Kongsvik klinikken» Doctor - Seefood/Discovery+
- 17 «På Fylla» - 16.mai Angry man - Øyvind Holtmon - NrK
- 24 «Jönssonligan kommer tillbaka» - The Norwegian Mr. Grimkjeld
Action comedy - Eddie Åhgren - FLX Stockholm. SF Studios
-17 «Cabin Madness» - The father Mr Jensen
Horror Movie - Frozen Film Productions
-25 «The Haunting of Hill House» - Dr. John Montague
Directed by Jack Alistair Crow Whylde
Based on 1959 gothic horror novel by Shirley Jackson
A Norwegian play at Gamle Rådhus Scene January 2025
-10 «The troll kid» - Annoying business dad
Directed by Arnold Petersheim
The play was inspired by the murder of Benjamin Hermansen in 2001
-24 - Over Woke - Disturbed CEO
3 min shortfilm by David Bramslev
-20 «Trash»by Jay Choi
Trash was developed with and funded by Viken Filmsenter, Mediefabrikken and Oslo16 through the “Ulike Blikk” talent program.
15-24 Various Student & shorts
-23 Norsk Luftambulanse - Grandpa - SOME
-23 VitaePro - Old man - 5 languages - Mikkel Ohrvik- TV/SOME
-23 Storebrand Pensjon - Husband - Sacarias Kiusalaas - TV/SOME
-23 AdminKit - GDPR man- B2B SOME
-22 Norsk Rikstoto - Dad struggling with TV - SOME
-22 Compedge - "Gunnar" - 3 films B2B SOME
-21 DN, Senior Investor - SOME & Boards
-21 Collett Vitamin- Sleeping Chairman- TV
-21 Tryg - Dad at airport - TV/SOME
-21 Krogsveen - Devorsing couple - TV/SOME
-21 CompEdge - Dad with son at restaurant 3 films - B2B SOME
-21- JM - Couple looking for a home - SOME
-20 Zalo - Director from the 70’ies- TV
-17 Bufetat: Sexuell vold mot menn - SOME
-16 Skousen Nordmann i Syden - TV De Luca Film (DK)